The beauty of portacabins is such that these are now used as fast-food stall/ cabins at metro stations, railway stations, streets and other markets. These cabins can be made more attractive as compared to office portacabins because these fast-food corner cabins are mostly remain at one place for long period and thus many components can be added to these which make them eye catchy.
Fast-food corner stalls can also have small kitchens and sink area. Fast-food corner stalls can be of any size and design as per budget and usage. Sometimes fast-food stalls are made on wheels which helps in taking the cart wherever you want.
Customizability makes the portacabins designed for any use. Constraints of space, constructing permanent structure, time brings into picture the need of portacabins. Use of aluminium composite panels, powder quoted mild steel sheets and use of acrylic sheets make them look neat and beautiful. Like other portacabins, fast-food corner cabins can also have space to put daily use furniture like shop counters, almirah etc. These too can have tile or granite flooring as the need be.